List of 3 promising Crypto VC investors in south america [2022]

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This article directly stems from the research process for our global venture capital investors database. Based on this list and our advanced keyword crawler technology, we created a list of venture capital investors that mention crypto-related keywords on their website. The list – offered as an Excel file – is perfectly suited to get in touch with the most relevant investors in the field.

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South America represented a crypto currency market growth of 40 % in the last year, thus the continent is evolving into a key component for crypto and blockchain technology. This article offers an insight into three interesting venture capital investors in south america from our keyword crawler based global crypto VC investor list.

1. Alaya Capital (Argentina)

Alaya Capital, a company based in Argentina, aims to fund Latin American digital entrepreneurs. They have over 50 investors and have invested in 36 startups. A company from their portfolio is Pago46, who offer a cash payment platform for online purchases. Additionally, Lemon, a virtual crypto wallet, is funded by Alaya Capital.

2. Pipo Capital (Brazil)

Pipo Capital was founded in 2021 in Sao Paulo, Brazil. They choose to invest in various sectors and offer flexibility on a deal-by-deal basis. However, they do not invest in early-stage projects but focus on proven and profitable business models. Part of their portfolio is Mercado Bitcoin, the leading crypto currency exchange in Latin America.

3. Draper Cygnus (Argentina)

Draper Cygnus partners with early-stage, long-term investors in deep tech and decentralization to improve the future. The company has more than 20 years of investment experience and funds companies like Codiga, an online platform that corrects coding issues and offers solutions to for better and easier coding.

Picture Source: Maxim Hopman

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