List of 3 healthcare private equity funds from Spain [2023]

List of 3 healthcare private equity funds from Spain [2023]

We have compiled a list of private equity investors who utilize healthcare-related keywords in their online material thanks to our extensive database and keyword crawler. This list is a terrific approach to connect with the most relevant investors in the software industry and is easily downloadable in Excel format.

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Public spending, which makes up 69.8% of all health spending in Spain, is the main source of funding for healthcare.
In this article, we are introducing three interesting healthcare-focused private equity funds from our keyword crawler-based healthcare private equity investors list.

1. Inveready (Barcelona)

Inveready, a Barcelona-based private equity firm, is considered a leading asset manager in Spain. Currently, the company manages 1 Billion € worth of assets. Regarding the focus on the healthcare sector, Inveready concentrates on investing in early-stage and Series A drug development companies that have an in vivo efficacy proof of concept and initial toxicology. At present the healthcare fund company contains companies with its origin in Europe and North America.

2. Magnum Capital Industrial Partners (Madrid)

Magnum Capital is an in 2006 founded private equity firm focusing on investments in Iberia. Magnum is considered a leading player in the upper-mid-market in its geography. One of the investments completed in the Iberian region is Probelte. The Murcia-based company is a manufacturer and distributor of health solutions for the agricultural industry. Leading biological solutions, such as biostimulants, biofertilizers, and biocontrol agents, have been produced by Probelte R&D with the goal of achieving sustainable soil health.

3. MCH Private Equity (Madrid)

MCH Private Equity was founded in 1998 in the Spanish capital. Since then, MCH has concentrated its forces on investments in mid-sized businesses in transformation processes. As the company has its sectoral focus on healthcare MCH continuously invests in aspiring firms, especially those headquartered in Spain, engaging in the mentioned field. Counting among them is Farmalíder, a company dedicated to the research, development, and manufacture of pharmaceutical specialities and products.


Picture Source: Unsplash

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