This article directly stems from the research process for our global venture capital investors database. Based on this list and our advanced keyword crawler technology, we created a list of venture capital investors that mention battery-related keywords on their website. The list – offered as an Excel file – is perfectly suited to get in touch with the most relevant investors in the field.
This article offers an insight into three interesting startup investors in Australia from our keyword crawler based global battery venture capital funds list.
1. Infratech Growth Partners (Brisbane)
Infratech Growth Partners is a Brisbane–based venture capital firm focused on early–stage technology investments. The firm is committed to helping innovative companies achieve their potential. With over $100 million in assets under management, Infratech Growth Partners provides capital and strategic guidance to promising startups in the technology and digital media space. A company they have supported is Gelion. Gelion developed a zinc-bromide battery technology that can dispatch energy when needed and is more affordable and safe.
2. Giant Leap (Melbourne)
Giant Leap is a venture capital fund that is dedicated to investing in startups with an impact. The company focuses on sustainable living, health and wellbeing, and empowering people through education, addressing diversity, and inclusion. Amber is part of their portfolio. The startup is an energy provider that gives their customers full control over their solar and battery system.
3. Southern Cross Venture Partners (Sydney)
Southern Cross Venture Partners (SCVP) is a venture capital firm based in Sydney, Australia, that focuses on investing in early–stage technology companies in the Asia–Pacific region. With experienced teams in both Australia and Singapore, SCVP has invested in over 50 companies. An interesting company that is part of the companies portfolio is GreenSync. GreenSync utilizes software to control and optimize energy resources. This enables renewable resources and battery storage systems to be integrated into the grid.
Picture Source: Markus Winkler