List of 3 EdTech Venture Capital investors in Europe [2022]

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This article directly stems from the research process for our global venture capital investors database. Based on this list and our advanced keyword crawler technology, we created a list of venture capital investors that mention edtech-related keywords on their website. The list – offered as an Excel file – is perfectly suited to get in touch with the most relevant investors in the field.

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This article offers an insight into three interesting startup investors in Europe from our keyword crawler based global edtech VC investor list.

1. Team Global Management (Germany)

The company Team Global Management not only funds businesses in tech but also starts companies. They usually invest between $100k to $100M and provide hands-on support. The sectors they are interested in are, for example, mobility, clean energy, artificial intelligence, digitalization, and social entrepreneurship. A company in the education sector in their portfolio is Future Space. FutureSpace is a non-profit organisation that supports children and teenagers to explore their interests and talents.

2. Verdane (Norway)

Verdane is an Oslo-based venture capital firm that focuses on fast growing businesses in consumerism, software, and sustainability. Recently, Verdane funded a company called CareerFoundry, who specialise on mentoring people to become designers, web developers, data analysts, and digital marketers.

3. Sparkmind (Finland)

Sparkmind was founded in 2017 and is located in Helsinki. The company is the first Nordic VC firm in the learning and education sector. They invests up to €5M in seed and growth phases. A portfolio company, for example is Freeed, a peer-to-peer community for teachers. Another interesting company is Playvation, a language learning support for young children.

Picture Source: Elisa Calvet B. 

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