List of 3 large Fintech Venture Capital investors in Africa [2022]

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This article directly stems from the research process for our global venture capital investors database. Based on this list and our advanced keyword crawler technology, we created a list of venture capital investors that mention fintech-related keywords on their website. The list – offered as an Excel file – is perfectly suited to get in touch with the most relevant investors in the field.

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This article offers an insight into three interesting startup investors in Africa from our keyword crawler based global fintech venture capital list.

1. Pride Capital (Egypt)

Pride Capital is Egypt’s first venture capital firm focused on Fintech. The company was founded in 2017 and their attention is mainly on investments in start-ups who provide an effective and convenient access to services in the financial sector. Pride Capital is especially interested in companies targeting payments and transfers, consumer banking, insurance and capital markets and advisory. One of the companies Pride Capital has supported is CLIX, a peer-to-peer payment platform for the unbanked youth with features like group collections and payment splitting.

2. GreenHouse Capital (Nigeria)

GreenHouse Capital is a VC fund with experienced entrepreneurs. In just 4 years, the founders of the company have gained attention by growing their own fintech company (Venture Garden Group) from 7 to 200 employees. They are now investing in other startups in the industry. GreenHouse Capital has funded 25 investments in 15 different countries. A portfolio company they have backed, for example, is Appzone, a blockchain network for digital payments.

3. DisrupTech Ventures (Egypt)

DisrupTech Ventures is a $25M VC investment company that aims to support early-stage fintech businesses and enable digital services, specifically for Egypt. They fund early-stage ideas and are also interested in follow on successes. Brimore is one of the businesses DispruTech Ventures is investing in currently. The firm developed a social commerce platform that connects brand owners with resellers who use social media to market and sell their products.

Picture Source: Austin Distel

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