List of 3 HealthTech Venture Capital investors in the U.S. [2022]

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This article directly stems from the research process for our global venture capital investors database. Based on this list and our advanced keyword crawler technology, we created a list of venture capital investors that mention healthtech-related keywords on their website. The list – offered as an Excel file – is perfectly suited to get in touch with the most relevant investors in the field.

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This article offers an insight into three interesting startup investors in the United States from our keyword crawler based global healthtech VC investor list.

1. New Enterprise Associates (Menlo Park)

New Enterprise Associates (NEA) is a global VC firm that invests in healthcare and technology. NEA is interested in investments across all stages, from seed to growth. Strive Health is part of their portfolio. The company aims to deliver a value-based healthcare for chronic kidney diseases. Another portfolio company is Trillium Therapeutics, who develop novel treatments for cancer.

2. Form Life Ventures (Boston)

Form Life Ventures was founded this year by Markus Okumus and is located in Boston (USA) and Zuerich (Switzerland). The company is looking to invest in healthcare systems to better the situation for medical practitioners and their patients. A digital health app they have supported is Daybreak Health. Daybreak Health was designed to improve the mental health of the youth. It can be used in schools and the family and can be personalized, is accessible and affordable.

3. Galen Partners (Stamford)

Galen Partners is a VC company that are especially experienced in investments in the healthcare sector. The business is concentrated on growth equity. The target sectors they invest in are IT, services, technology, outsourcing and distribution, and speciality products. A current investment is Dakim. Dakim provides aging individuals with healthy brain functions as well as patients with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease with cognitive fitness training to improve their quality of life.

Picture Source: Brett Jordan

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