List of 3 Renewable Energy VC investors in the U.S. [2022]

renewable energy VC

This article directly stems from the research process for our global venture capital investors database. Based on this list and our advanced keyword crawler technology, we created a list of venture capital investors that mention renewable energy-related keywords on their website. The list – offered as an Excel file – is perfectly suited to get in touch with the most relevant investors in the field.

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This article offers an insight into three interesting startup investors in the United States from our keyword crawler based global renewable energy venture capital funds list.

1. Breakthrough Energy Ventures (Kirkland)

Breakthrough Energy Ventures (BEV) was founded in 2015 by Bill Gates. The company aims to finance, launch, and scale businesses that target the elimination of greenhouse gas emissions in the global economy. BEV has 3 funds varying in size and supports about 90 companies. One of them is Arnergy, who aim to replace fossil fuel generators with a more sustainable system.

2. Kern Venture Group (Bakersfield)

Kern Venture Group is a California-based VC firm that invests in early-stage startups who develop disruptive technologies. A company that was supported by their 2018 fund is NeoCharge. NeoCharge is a charging tool that can be used to charge electric vehicles and appliances at home.

3. Huron River Ventures (Ann Arbor)

Huron River Ventures is based in Michigan and is an early-stage venture capital company. They invest in the energy, agriculture, and transportation sector and aim to support more sustainable solutions. One of their currently active investments is Cowboy Clean Fuels, who produce renewable natural gas from biomass feedstocks.

Picture Source: myenergi

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