List of 3 software private equity funds from Denmark [2023]

List of 3 software private equity funds from Denmark [2023]

Our global database and keyword crawler have allowed us to create a list of private equity investors who use software-related terms in their web content. This list is available for easy download in Excel format and is a great way to get in touch with the most relevant investors in the software business.

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With a strong emphasis on research & development and a robust startup ecosystem, Denmark is renowned for its technological innovation. Because of this, it’s the perfect place for companies wishing to invest in cutting-edge technology.
In this article, we are introducing two interesting software-focused private equity funds from our keyword crawler-based software private equity investors list.

1. Nordic Secondary Fund (Copenhagen)

Nordic Secondary Fund is the first and only fund in the Nordic region to focus solely on secondaries. The company aims to invest in which they see a 2x-5x upside and an exit within 5 years. The portfolio of the firm is predominantly based on Nordic and Baltic companies. Among these companies is Sonarworks, an award-winning audio technology innovator, whose technology is used by great music artists like Lady Gaga, Madonna, Rihanna, Adele, Coldplay, and more.

2. Polaris Private Equity (Copenhagen)

The Denish private equity firm Polaris is primarily focused on transforming mid-sized companies in Scandinavia. In working closely with the board members over a period of four to seven years, the investment firm aims to reach a duplication in the size of the supported company. Also included in Fund IV is Configit, a Copenhagen-based firm providing business-critical software solutions. Configit records an average increase in revenues of 23% in annual comparison since 2011.

Picture Source: Unsplash

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