List of 3 software private equity funds from the Netherlands [2023]

List of 3 software private equity funds from the Netherlands [2023]

This article stems from our thorough investigation of our global database of private equity investors. Through the utilization of this database and our keyword-crawling technology, we’ve assembled a catalog of private equity investors who integrate software-related keywords into their online presence. This compilation, conveniently accessible in Excel format, serves as a valuable tool for engaging with the most relevant investors in the software industry.

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The Dutch government has established various initiatives and incentives to support software development and technology startups. These efforts have made the Netherlands an attractive destination for software-related investments and innovation.
In this article, we are introducing three interesting software-focused private equity funds from our keyword crawler-based software private equity investors list.

1. Active Capital (Amsterdam)

Active Capital is an Amsterdam-based private equity firm that mainly focuses on investments in small and medium-sized companies based in the Netherlands or Germany. One of the companies that fit into the focus is the mechanical engineering company LIEB. The investment of Active Capital benefits from the offered automation solutions for the semiconductor industry of the German company.

2. Nordian Capital Partners (Amsterdam)

Nordian is a Dutch investment company formed by Rabobank Capital and Riesland Bank. Already in 2015, Nordian perceived the potential of AI and invested in Ab Ovo, a firm that connects analytical proficiency with in-depth industry knowledge and smart AI SaaS solutions to provide support to supply chain and logistics companies.

3. Mentha (Amsterdam)

Mentha, founded in 2007, is a Dutch investment firm, whose success relies on its team of professionals with strong financial and operational business experience. This experience is placed in various sectors such as healthcare, business services, etc., and especially in the sector of technology. Particularly in this sector, Mentha benefits from distinctive expertise in software, SaaS, IT services, and other digital technologies of their group.


Picture Source: Unsplash

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